Honoring the Journey

Honoring Esther Goetz from Deconstructing Mamas' Journey

Episode Summary

Today we honor the journey of Esther Joy Goetz, the co-host of one of our favorite podcasts, Deconstructing Mamas! Esther is also a budding Spiritual Director and this conversation is so rich and wonderful, you'll want to listen to it twice! Her journey is incredibly relatable and it's beautiful to hear how she has navigated her life inside and outside of Evangelicalism, always being led by love and authenticity.

Episode Notes

You can hear more from Esther on her podcast where she co-hosts with Lizz Enns Petters. Deconstructing Mamas is available where podcasts are found, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify and iHeart.

You can also find Esther on the Deconstructing Mamas Instagram Page

There is also a private Facebook Page for Deconstructing Mamas that you can join through their Patreon.

Esther is also on Instagram as MomsofBigs and EsthertheDollyMama

You can find out more about all Esther offers on her website at www.estherjoygoetz.com.

Thank you, Esther, for sharing your journey with us today!